If you’ve been following my or or you may have seen some posts recently. Over the last 20-40 days though there haven’t been much in the way of updates to ADLi. I still have KS Campaign posts to draft and edit, a few other ideas and game community things I’ve written and some new additions to the site that will hopefully have you very excited.

What I’ve been doing recently in my everyday life is finishing my basement. The long and short of it is I’m at the finishing stages of the renovation. All the big painting is done so all that’s left is clean up the floors, remove all the protective sheeting around the baseboards and cut in on the ceiling in areas there were a little overlap. Oh, also paint the sides of the casing (as the contractor put in all the casing before any of the painting was done. I also learned the hard way why not to use painter’s tape on any wall that hasn’t had 14 days minimum to fully cure.


Looking forward I have a good amount of updates in pending status. Time to proof read and add media is where I’m falling short. From work to the basement, to the bed, to work, and repeat. It really can take a lot out of a person and what ever little time is freed up I’m basically spending it with family, so personal time is on time out.

My game library update is still on hold BUT my game design list had been updated recently. I had a moment at work to tackle a few things and during a lunch period I just burned the whole hour drafting up posts for Inside 7 and my G.I.P. (Games in Progress) List. Take a quick readiloo. It even blew my mind a little.

Moving forward I’m going to try and keep a regularly … and I mean irregularly regular schedule and produce 2-3 posts a week. More thank likely this will start in mid to late Octorber. I know that’s ambitious considering my track record but it’s necessary to keep the juices flowing out of mind and onto this site. Creative stifling is not pretty nor  conducive to my progress.

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